Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nescafe Mug Collection

I try to organize my mugs collection. Mostly from Nescafe and some from CNI Coffee Ginseng Mug . I create a yahoogroup for this, if you like you can join this group. Just visit nescafemugcollector.

In this morning i take some photos of my nescafe mug collection. And i include 2 nescafe mug's Indonesian advertisement. Please click to enlarge:

And here are my CNI Coffee Ginseng Mug Collection. Please click to enlarge:


Nirmana said...

link sudah di pasang dan banner sudah di pajang di menu bannerku. cek ya ya ya...

Unknown said...

wah koleksi cangkir banyak banget di pajang di lemari ya mas.... wah kalo aku pasti tergoda buat make hihihi

Chang 'd Mods said...

waaaah fotonya bagus!

ini koleksi fotoku :