Saturday, March 8, 2008

10th competition ( water )

the story behind

Adi Kumara still struggle to reach the first place. With the next theme: Water, he had something in his mind. Another friend join this club, Aris Himawan. We all had something to try with this challenging theme. When all contestants gave the photos, Adi Kumara was the favorite. But i still believe i would have good result.

the result

because many friends in my division asked to be jury again, we have 2 different assessments. First is using external jury to choose the winner and the second is our friend (as internal jury) choose their favorite. So external jury choose 1-2-3 rank, our friend choose only 1 favorite. The first round is internal jury. And the favorite is Adi Kumara

our division favorite photo - watertrap - adi kumara
(see picture below)

We have a honorable jury: Jeffrey Sukardi, the chairman of ASIALENS. The others jury are my precious friends : Amelia Wirogo, Aniceta Sabrina, Hanky Tanuwijaya, Janette Najoan, and Roy de Vogel (Netherland) all from The external jury have different result. Here it is:

1st place - bola kristal (crystal ball) - cesario tarigan

2nd place - waterbulb - adi kumara

3rd place - watertrap - adi kumara

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